AS-IS (finale) Political Cartoons Hallway    back    next (Steve Seaberg Review)
About 150 cartoons are double-taped to the hallway in two rows. 25 or so humor cartoons are included for a little relief from
the depressiong issues dealt with in the political cartoons, everything from environmental degradation, human rights, pollution,
overpopulation, nuclear war, power and waste... greed.... folly. Chomsky titled a recent book, Hegemony or Survival, a succinct
laying out of the situation.  Below there are a few close-ups.  To view individual cartoons see
toons 2
toons 3
toons 4
mo toons
ED toons
ED toon
Broadside, by the way, is/was a single page, two-sided periodical, borrowing Ben Franklin's title I think.
Bob Darby would write an essay and i'd do a strip, sometimes related, sometimes just parallel and
we'd distribute them in libraries, coffee houses etc; They can be seen on my political cartoon website.

To view individual cartoons see

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